In life, growth is unstoppable, and one thing we need to understand is that growth comes with pain, love, endurance, happiness, depression, guilt and so many other experiences. At times we choose and come up with the kind of growth we want in life, the kind of growth we hope for, and the kind of growth that suits the society. Life is so unpredictable that our expectations and investments can collapse right in front of us; and there comes the hard times we try to fight for, fight with, and live with during this moments of our lives. Sometimes life becomes so sweet full of joy, beautiful memories and a smooth flow of results gotten from our hard work. But then we can't always blame, and emotionally traumatize our selves for the hard times that comes with life, because it is definitely part of growth, and also teaches us that life isn't always rosy, we need to learn how to deal with these times in life. One's journey is about experience, entertainment, research, learning and above all the fulfilment of God. So whatever we find ourselves into; we either come up with solutions to beat the hard times, or gladness to enjoy the good times. Life isn't worth going into depression, mental damage, and every other sickness that comes with difficult situations, because you might not really understand the level at which others see you as a perfect person, and you standing a higher chance of being in a better situation. My point exactly is that growth is full of happiness, overcoming, love, joy, wisdom, enjoyments and existence. Enjoy and make beautiful memories of every seconds in life. ~ Sandra Chioma Nwachukwu~


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